Group Performance
"PMO isn't working with Engineering."
"'Engineering isn't working with Marketing."
"That won't work in our local culture."
"What are we going to do about Bob?"
In today's horizontal, networked, and virtual environments, the ability for groups and teams to perform well becomes increasingly important. We partner with you to surface performance issues and their root causes, and to recommend solutions for improving alignment between motivation and performance. In addition, we can help you recognize existing strengths on which you can build for even greater possibilities. We are able to help you assess the current performance levels of your people against where the organization needs to be to meet its business challenges. Because we are able to speak to both the behavioral and technical sides of performance & rewards, we can work with you to proactively integrate coaching and development opportunities with performance & reward strategies, and help you define integrated approaches to increasing organizational effectiveness through improving the performance of your people.
Click the following for information on:
- Strategy, Culture & Rewards Alignment
- Goal Strengths/Gaps Analysis
- Performance Strategies
- Rewards Strategies
- Work Design
- Compensation & OD Synergy
"'Engineering isn't working with Marketing."
"That won't work in our local culture."
"What are we going to do about Bob?"
In today's horizontal, networked, and virtual environments, the ability for groups and teams to perform well becomes increasingly important. We partner with you to surface performance issues and their root causes, and to recommend solutions for improving alignment between motivation and performance. In addition, we can help you recognize existing strengths on which you can build for even greater possibilities. We are able to help you assess the current performance levels of your people against where the organization needs to be to meet its business challenges. Because we are able to speak to both the behavioral and technical sides of performance & rewards, we can work with you to proactively integrate coaching and development opportunities with performance & reward strategies, and help you define integrated approaches to increasing organizational effectiveness through improving the performance of your people.
Click the following for information on:
- Strategy, Culture & Rewards Alignment
- Goal Strengths/Gaps Analysis
- Performance Strategies
- Rewards Strategies
- Work Design
- Compensation & OD Synergy