
Edgar Schein, the father of process consultation, identified three types of potential consulting roles: Expert (we tell you what's what), Pair-of-Hands (we do the work for you), and Collaborative (we work with you in a joint effort). Mercedes' fundamental belief is that your organization's collective resources hold the knowledge and expertise they need to create and implement transformative solutions that are right for your organization. Sometimes a breakthrough just takes a listener with a trained ear and unique vantage point to hear what is being said and feeding it back.

Through her rigorous training and certification as a coach, cutting edge techniques, and years of practice, Mercedes asks insightful questions to better understand your organization's challenges and possibilities. Powerful questions lead to powerful conversations, and a change in the dialogue may be what it takes to move the organization forward. Mercedes takes a posture of openness and curiosity to ask astute questions, listens carefully, and challenges respectfully to get to the heart of the matter.

Mercedes strongly believes it is valuable to have someone with a fresh perspective partner with your project sponsors, champions, and stakeholders to help bring out those exemplary practices that have lain dormant under layers of "this is how we've always done it." She doesn't want to consult to you, she wants to partner with you to enable your organization to be more sustainably effective and your people more empowered to do their best work. As a Lifetime Learner and someone with a high bar on quality, Mercedes stays current on exemplary practices and new ideas in Organization Development, Performance Management, and Rewards.

There is power in changing the conversation. Through her years of business, coaching, and development experience, Mercedes is able to facilitate new conversations, whether in small team meetings or large group contexts, where issues and opportunities can naturally emerge. People can come together cross-functionally to explore new ways of working together, groups are able to heal wounds and surface innovative ways to move forward, and space can be made for creating greater possibilities of organizational effectiveness. Mercedes facilitates the conversation; you create the possibilities.

As your strategic partner, Mercedes can co-create solutions with you through deep and informed dialogue, research-based & emerging schools of thought, a willingness to be in the midst of ambiguity and challenge without judgment or blame, and decades of internal and external strategic and functional experience. She works with you free of constraint of any one 'right' way to accomplish your goals, and rather creates solutions with you tailored specifically to your organization. Mercedes collaborates with you to help focus the collective energy toward positive and expansive possibilities.

Mercedes is an award-winning public speaker, well versed in talking with groups from 5 to 1,000 regarding performance, motivation, and rewards. She has been the keynote speaker to HR executives on the future of the
Compensation function, and lectured at California State University - Long Beach. She has inspired many audiences to grab hold of a life worth living through eliminating excuses, vocalizing expectations, and surfacing fears that have kept them stuck for years, whether in their personal or professional lives. If you are interested in scheduling an event, please Contact Us.
Compensation function, and lectured at California State University - Long Beach. She has inspired many audiences to grab hold of a life worth living through eliminating excuses, vocalizing expectations, and surfacing fears that have kept them stuck for years, whether in their personal or professional lives. If you are interested in scheduling an event, please Contact Us.